Awakening The Great Seljuk (Uyanis Buyuk Selcuklu) Watch And Download Episode 9 English & Urdu Subtitles HD

Awakening The Great Seljuk (Uyanis Buyuk Selcuklu) Watch And Download Episode 9 English & Urdu Subtitles HD

Watch And Download Awakening The Great Seljuk (Uyanis Buyuk Selcuklu)

Love, mingled with secrets and fight an epic journey.
Shah, Anatolia ‘ the doors of the Turkish Seljuk ruler Sultan passes the throne after the death of Alp Arslan. On the same day his beloved chick Basula of Kipchak ‘ also received the news when he lost yu birth. Due to the Kipchak-Seljuk hostility, the newborn baby poses a danger to the continuity of the state. Although this situation is very difficult for Malik Shah, he surrenders him to Nizamülmülk so that he will not see and ask again

Bugra Gulsoy (Sultan Malikshah):

He will play the role of Sultan Malikshah and will be the star of Awakening: The Great Seljuk. Expert film and theater celebrity, Bugra has been intricate in the arts from a teen age. The thirty eight year old actor has seemed in famous TV series such as Kuzey Guney, Fatmaguls Sucu Ne?, Mahalle, and Ask Yeniden.

Ekin Koc (Ahmad Sanjar):

He is the son of Sultan Malikshah. Ekin, the good looking actor who is twenty or eight years old, previously portrayed in Muhtesem Yuzyil (The Magnificent Century) series and portrayed Ahmed.

Hatice Sendil (Terken Hatun):

She is portraying the role of wife of Sultan Malikshah. The popular artist has previously seemed in many TV series and movies. Some of those; Kurtlar Vadisi: Pusu, Yeni Hayat, Eylul, Karadaglar, and Dila Hanim.

Gurkan Uygun (Hassan Sabbah):

He is the creator and leader of The Order of Assassins. Hassan Sabbah vows heaven to the troopers under his control and gives them drugs. Hassan Sabbah, who has overall authority and control of the troopers, takes over the Alamut castle and sets up a killing squad there. The role of Hassan will be portrayed by Gurkan, whom the viewers acknowledge as Halil Halid. Gurkan recently seemed in the TV series Payitaht Abdulhamid and appeared in numerous TV series in his career. Such as Kurtlar Vadisi, Fatih, Kehribar, Kacak, Muhtesem Yuzyil (The Magnificent Century), Deli Yurek, and many more.

Cemal Toktas (Imam Al Ghazali):

Imam is a popular Islamic scholar, thinker and mufti. Cemal started to seem in TV series since 2003. Cemal before participating in different series, thanks to his successful movies that play has got many awards from various festivals in Turkey. (Evlat, Seytan Ayrintida Gizlidir, Sila, Kara Kopekler Havlarken, Gunesi Gordum, Boyle Bitmesin, Yilanlarin Ocu and many more).

Mehmet Ozgur (Nizam al- Mulk):

Nizam was a Popular vizier of Seljuks, scholar and script writer. Mehmet participated in different activities throughout his career. He participated in various theater plays, TV series and movies. Audience can remember Mehmet from the roles of The Magnificent Century (Lutfi Pasha) and Filinta (Qadi Giyasettin). Apart from these, Mehmet portrayed in, Ya Istiklal Ya Olum (Either Independence or death), Vuslat, Soz, Sari Sicak (Yellow Heat), 125 Years memory, Abluka (Frenzy), Filinta, Calikusu (Love Bird), Muhtesem Yuzyil (Magnificent Century), and participated in various successful projects such as Suskunlar etc.

Episode 9 with English Subtitles

Episode 9 with Urdu Subtitles


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